Set a week after the events of Captain America: Civil War, T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) travels home to be crowned King of Wakanda. But before he can decide the future of his nation, an old enemy, Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) joins forces with a mysterious stranger (Michael B. Jordan) to threaten Wakanda and challenge T'Challa's reign. In order to face this new threat, the young King will have to rely on all those he trusts...including another outsider. Ryan Coogler, the director behind Fruitvale Station and Creed helms the 18th movie in the MCU and the first to feature a black superhero in the titular role. Much like Thor: Ragnanrok, there's a degree of separation to Black Panther, it's very much a stand alone movie. But it's also very important to the wider MCU because of the major role Wakanda will play in Avengers: Infinity War. Writer Joe Robert Cole described the story as a cross between The Godfather and the James Bond films, "a big operatic...