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Showing posts with the label Ivan Reitman

Ghostbusters: Afterlife | Average Guy Movie Review

A woman moves her family to a small town in Oklahoma to settle her estranged father's affairs. Whilst there, the kids learn who their grandfather was, about his work as a Ghostbuster. And with all the strange occurrences going on in this small town, it soon becomes clear why he left New York. Ivan Reitman, director of Ghostbusters  and Ghostbusters II  has officially passed the torch to his son Jason Reitman. A successful director himself, Jason was the moody kid that once told Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) "my dad says you guys are full of crap". It would appear that he has had a change of heart, because not only has he brought the original timeline/universe into the 21st century, he has opened up the franchise to a whole new generation of fans. Something he credits Paul Feig for making possible.  Afterlife  is everything you'd expect a Ghostbusters  movie to be, wrapped up in this touching family drama. Much like with the directors, this is about passing the t...

Ghostbusters: Afterlife | Moustache Trailer Reaction

We have another trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife . Much like those that came before it, the "International" trailer hints at all the delightful chaos that's coming to the town of Summerville, Oklahoma, as the responsibility of protecting our world from the paranormal is passed to a new generation of Ghostbusters. Check out the trailer below. In the previous trailers the focus has very much been on the mystery and the fun. But with this new trailer we get hints at the horror side of the story. Ghostbusters  is well known for being a mix of sci-fi, horror and comedy, and Afterlife  looks to be no different. The trailer opens with a truck racing through the night, before crashing into a crop field. At first the driver appears to be running from an unseen pursuer. But given that said driver has a certain piece of specialist equipment in their possession, it seems that they're more likely luring someone or something back to their home. The likelihood is this is Egon car...