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Showing posts with the label Beckett

Beckett | Average Guy Movie Review

After a car crash, an American tourist finds himself inexplicably on the run from Greek authorities. He doesn't know the language or the terrain, and his only hope is to reach the US Embassy in Athens before his pursuers catch up with him. John David Washington once again demonstrates his abilities as a leading man, this time in the chase-thriller; Beckett . The movie begins fairly sedately as we catch up with a couple enjoying their holiday in rural Greece, exploring ruins and such. But when tragedy strikes, our man - for reasons unknown - has to quite literally run for the hills, and Jason Bourne he is not. All throughout, the chase is very kinetic, frenzied even, as Washington's clueless protagonist relies on a lot of luck and his own two feet to stay alive. There is definitely an element of realism to this nightmare, rather than a bunch of big chase sequences this is more about a scared guy running for his life - making Beckett a scarily relatable character. Between that an...