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Showing posts with the label The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour Presents: Lochdown | Average Guy TV Review

  Clarkson, Hammond and May are off on another adventure, and during lockdown. This time they're driving across Scotland in three American cars from the 1970's, in an attempt to discover why cars from across the pond never really took off here in the UK. Which can only mean one thing... no caravan is safe! You'd think a road trip in 2020 wouldn't be all that entertaining, instead, Lochdown  actually proves to be one of The Grand Tour 's better episodes, in recent memory anyway. The fact is the car nut trio's last couple of outings have been a little gimmicky, but the restrictions forced them to go back to basics with this one. Which as it turns out, is a very good thing.  The whole thing actually feels less scripted, like they were able to rely on the random occurrences that can occur with any road trip.  It certainly doesn't take long for the laughs to start flowing.  Lochdown  actually feels like classic Top Gear  - three loveable idiots pissing abou...

Will the Real Top Gear Please Stand Up

Fans of what Top Gear should be finally got their first look at The Grand Tour on Friday. If nothing else it proved that it's not the title, the studio, the test track or even the channel that makes the show what it's the people. You can call a show Top Gear and make Chris Evans a presenter (not Captain America, the other one), but that doesn't make it Top Gear. When Jeremy Clarkson left the BBC, his mates Richard Hammond, James May and Andy Wilman soon followed. After months of speculation, it was announced that the group were going to work for Amazon to produce a motoring show. Said show will consist of 36 episodes over 3 years and has been described as "very, very, very expensive" by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Although it's starting to look like a very good investment. The format is very similar to Top Gear except the studio is a tent that will change location between episodes. As usual the trio will travel the globe testing new cars and taki...