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Skyscraper | Average Guy Movie Review

The Pearl is the largest, most advanced building in the world, and Will Sawyer (Dwayne Johnson) is the security consultant hired to assess the building's safety and security systems. When an attack on the building causes a fire, Will must fight his way in to save his family. But what do the attackers want? And how far will they go to get it? Described as an homage to Die Hard and The Towering Inferno, Skyscraper doesn't really live up to either. Dwayne Johnson is known for ridiculous movies that are a lot of fun, he is the 80's movie guy of the 21st Century after all. Skyscraper is definitely ridiculous, it's just not that much fun. Take Die Hard for example, John McClane finds himself in a very serious situation; he's the wrong guy, in the wrong place, at the wrong time! But it's still hilarious watching him run around a building doing his level best to piss off the terrorists. There's none of that here, and the one or two moments of humour almost ...

Arrival: Average Guy Movie Review

When alien spacecraft appear at twelve random locations across the globe, the whole world scrambles to figure out where these ships have come from and why. In the US, linguist, Doctor Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is recruited by the government to establish communication with the aliens. A task made increasingly difficult by the rising tensions between host nations. Arrival is directed by Denis Villeneuve, the man behind Sicario, Prisoners and the upcoming Blade Runner 2049 and also stars Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, Michael Stuhlbarg and Tzi Ma. In a way, Arrival resembles the first hour of Independence Day. The ships show up, many begin to panic and across the world, governments attempt to make contact. This is where the similarities pretty much end, instead of uber destruction porn you get a very tense, slow burn, drama. Although both movies share the underlying theme that it'll take a common goal and/or threat to truly unite the people of Earth. Carrying that weight of th...