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Showing posts with the label Austin Abrams

Wolfs | Average Guy Movie Review

Two 'fixers' show up to the same job, circumstances forcing them to work together. Over the course of the night these two lone wolves will bicker and one-up each other as they attempt to deal with the problem with which they have been tasked. Unfortunately for them, what initially appears to be a fairly standard job, quickly proves to be anything but. On paper Wolfs  looks to be a fairly standard fixer/crime drama. Two professionals, each with their own way of doing things, forced to work together. But writer/director Jon Watts manages to put an amusing spin on this convoluted affair. The man behind the MCU 's Spider-Man  movies takes what is likely to be a mundane, difficult, and - let's face it - rather grim profession and makes it look exciting. At least to us mere mortals, anyway. Although it is rather funny watching two supposed professionals chase the nearly naked body (Austin Abrams) they're supposed to be disposing of, through the city streets on a freezing ...