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Showing posts with the label Frank Langella

The Trial of the Chicago 7 | Average Guy Movie Review

After the riots that took place at the 1968 Democratic Convention, a group of anti-war protestors were named as defendants in a show trial brought by the Nixon administration. They were charged with conspiracy and crossing state lines with the intention of inciting riots, and what followed was probably one of the most controversial trials in the history of the American Justice system. With 'The Trial of the Chicago 7' Aaron Sorkin delivers an enthralling courtroom drama - and not for the first time.  Fans of the writer/director have another opportunity to enjoy the man's unique storytelling style, not to mention his awesome approach to dialogue. No one writes dialogue quite like Aaron Sorkin! Events j ump seamlessly between the '68 Democratic convention, the trial, and Abbie Hoffman's (Sacha Baron Cohen) recollections of both during an amusing stand-up routine. Sorkin - with the help of some clever editing and good use of soundtrack - expertly drives the tension up ...