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Showing posts with the label Chris Hemsworth

FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA | Moustache Trailer Reaction

After proving to be a popular part of Mad Max: Fury Road , Furiosa finally has her own movie. One in which we will learn how she became Imperator for Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne). Check out the trailer for Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga  below. Now you could argue that Furiosa already has her own movie because despite being a Mad Max  movie,  Fury Road  was really about her struggle to get home, while Max (Tom Hardy) was very much a bystander. But that is often the case with these movies. With the exception of the first movie, Max always seems to be stumbling into other peoples' troubles in his unending search for supplies and solitude. He even turned down the chance of a new home when he fled the Citadel just as Furiosa was anointed as it's new leader. Now, with Anya Taylor-Joy taking on the role, we get to see how she became the woman played so perfectly by Charlize Theron. Taylor-Joy seems like an excellent choice to play a young Furiosa. She brings a tough exterior t...

Extraction 2 | Average Guy Movie Review

After barely surviving Dhaka, Tyler Rake (Chris Hemsworth) is presented with yet another insane mission, one that falls a hell of a lot closer to home. Rake and his team must extract a woman and her children from a Georgian prison. Preferably without alerting her husband, who happens to be a high ranking member of a particularly nasty local gang. A few years back, a plucky little action movie - the directorial debut of a veteran stuntman - landed on Netflix . Shot with an interesting guerrilla style that favoured long takes, it was raw and brutal. Making it a no holds barred, uncomplicated action movie - just like mamma used to make. Now stuntman turned director Sam Hargrave and Chris Hemsworth are back with the next chapter in the Tyler Rake story, and it's bigger, bolder and more intense than his first outing. Making it rather refreshing, because Extraction 2  is an action sequel that isn't simply a rehash of the first movie with a bigger budget. Sure there are some familiari...

Thor: Love & Thunder | Average Guy Movie Review

After a troubling few years Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth) is on a journey of discovery. Or should that be re-discovery? Oh well. After spending some time fighting with the Guardians of the Galaxy, a distress signal sends Thor and Korg (Taika Waititi) - as well as a couple of noisy new pals - off in search of a being known as the God Butcher (Christian Bale). It's a journey that will bring him back to New Asgard, and will re-acquaint him with an old friend... or two. Thor: Love & Thunder is a bigger, brighter and more colourful affair than what has gone before it. Something akin to a 1980's action/sci-fi adventure, with a soundtrack to match. Taika Waititi doubles down on all the craziness and heart that made Ragnarok  such a success, only this time he doesn't quite get the balance right. It's not that Love & Thunder  isn't funny. Quite the opposite, in fact. Korg's narration being a perfect example, including his habit of forgetting a certain scientist...

Moustache Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide Part 4 | 'After Life 2' & 'Extraction'

With the lockdown proceeding, Netflix has done us all a favour by adding something - two things in fact - to their line up: After Life season 2 and Extraction. Click here to check out the other instalments in our Moustache Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide. Firstly, After Life season 2... Ricky Gervais returns as Tony Johnson, a man struggling to deal with the loss of his wife Lisa to cancer. As well as his grief, Tony must continue to face the crazy people living in his home town of Tambury, mostly through his work as a local journalist - some of whom are his colleagues. Thank god he's still got his dog Brandy to keep him company! Season 2 pretty much picks up where things left off. Tony is doing a little better, he's still got this massive hole in his life, but at least he's not taking it out on those around him. Gervais continues to deliver what is easily the best performance of his career. He is able to be this very sad, depressed person, and yet is ...

Men In Black: International | Average Guy Movie Review

After a close encounter during her childhood, Molly Wright (Tessa Thompson) begins searching for the mysterious agency that polices alien life on Earth. Twenty years later, when she finally manages to track them down, she's able to avoid the wrong end of a neuralyser, bartering instead for employment. For her first assignment, O (Emma Thompson) sends her to the London branch, where she will be working with Agents H (Chris Hemsworth) and High T (Liam Neeson) to uncover a mole in the MIB - a first for the agency. But will they be able to find them in time to stop an invasion of Earth by a hostile alien race? After the popularity of Thor: Ragnarok and the genius pairing of Hemsworth and Thompson, many fans - including myself - were excited to see the pair reunite for a reboot/sequel to the Men In Black franchise. They may be playing vastly different characters to those seen in Ragnarok - a rogue who skates by more on luck than skill, and a logic driven/obsessed ...

Avengers: Endgame | Average Guy Movie review

After Thanos (Josh Brolin) successfully wiped out half of all life in the universe, the Avengers - those that remain anyway - are left to pick up the pieces. Each of them must try to deal with what happened in their own way. But when a chance at undoing "the decimation" presents itself, Earth's mightiest heroes must stand together one last time..."whatever it takes." Infinity War may have been a trip through the emotional ringer, but Endgame is more like a rollercoaster ride through it...backwards. This is like nothing we have ever seen in the MCU before, and at the same time feels very familiar. It's safe to say that the stakes have never been higher, the same can also be said of the cost. The MCU has been criticised in the past for it's portrayal of death, and the interesting work-arounds our heroes have used to cheat it. But this time - as promised by the Russos - the price of resurrection is very high, and it's one the Avengers must be...

Avengers: Endgame | Moustache Trailer Reaction

The second trailer for Avengers: Endgame has arrived, and it's a little more hopeful than what we've seen up to this point. If you haven't already seen it, check it out below. It starts off with a little recap, what our heroes have been through over the last ten years, the things they've seen and the people they've lost. Tony thinking about how he became Iron Man, Steve Rogers doing the same with his own past and Thor thinking about his father and how he became King of Asgard, only to see half of his people - if not more - wiped out in an instant. Hawkeye teaching what could be his daughter - or possibly a young Kate Bishop - to use a bow and arrow is a particularly pertinent shot, given that we have no idea what has happened to him since the snap - or "Decimation" as it's said to be known in the movie - other than something caused him to take on a new identity as 'Ronin', and that Romanoff will be the one to hunt him down.  ...