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Showing posts with the label Brian Braddock

Captain Britain and Deadpool in the MCU

Who - and I'm talking to the British readers here - would like to see a British Marvel superhero enter the MCU? Granted there have already been two British characters of note in Marvel movies, but Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) is very much retired, and James Montgomery Falsworth (JJ Feild) hasn't been seen since the end of World War 2. Maybe it's time for a British superhero. We Got This Covered is reporting that a source has confirmed Marvel plans to introduce Captain Britain into the MCU at some point during Phase 4.  Brian Braddock was a scientist working at the Darkmoor nuclear research centre. During an attack on the facility, Braddock went for help but crashed his motorcycle. Badly injured, Braddock was visited by the Omniversal Guardian who gave him the choice to become a superhero. By making the right choice, Braddock became Captain Britain and is gifted with several powers including superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes, senses and sup...