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Showing posts with the label Sandow

Sandow | Average Guy Movie Review

Eugen Sandow (Timo Kervinen) was a German bodybuilder. He is responsible for the development of a lot of modern day exercise techniques and equipment. His Institutes of Physical Culture were the basis of the modern gym, where members of the public were taught methods of exercise, weight training and diet. He even wrote a series of books in which the phrase 'bodybuilding' was coined. And it's for this reason he is known as the "father of modern bodybuilding". This is the story of the man, told from the point of view of his protégé, Launceston Elliot (Alexander Cooper). In this biopic, Writer/Director Alexander Cooper charts the rise and fall of this legendary athlete. From his humble beginnings performing in circuses and strongmen competitions, to his time working with Florenz Ziegfeld (Olivier Maigniez) touring the world and the adultery and money troubles that would plague him in later life. Kervinen does a great job of bringing this complicated charact...