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Showing posts with the label Luke Skywalker

What's Up Moustache?

There's always some interesting information coming out of Hollywood, here's some that caught my eye. First, footage of Keanu Reeves training on a shooting range for John Wick 2. We see him engage multiple targets at varying distances, transitions from his primary weapon to his sidearm and a shotgun, all with speed and precision. A lot of work went in to the first movie and it showed, John Wick was very successful and very popular with movie goers. Now, those working on the sequel are going to have to work really hard considering how high they set the bar with the first movie. Unfortunatley we have to wait until February 2017 to see John Wick 2. Also out in February is Fifty Shades Darker, a watered down porno courtesy of a Twilight fan fiction writer, The Lego Batman Movie, a spin off of The Lego Movie and The Mountain Between Us starring Charlie Hunnam and Margot Robbie. If John Wick 2 lives up to its predecessor I don't think it will have any trouble with i...