Having watched the promo video what do you think? This week I saw Ghostbusters in 4DX and it definitely made the movie more of a ride. In fact 4DX feels like it was designed to appeal to the roller coaster crowd but will you miss the experience when watching the same movies at home? When I saw Ghostbusters for the second time I decided to view it in 4DX because I wanted to know what the "environmental effects" did for the movie going experience. If you want to know what I thought of Ghostbusters check out my Average Guy Movie Review . In my honest opinion; right now 4DX is more of a gimmick than an experience. The movement, air bursts, smoke and spraying water were more of a distraction than anything else, all of which felt out of sink with the movie. The effects like the strobe lights went off a split second before whatever they were supposed to augment happened. For example; during a subway scene, the Ghostbusters find a ghost in the tunnel who had been executed u...