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Showing posts with the label Patrick Wilson

Moonfall | Average Guy Movie Review

When the moon's orbit begins decreasing, the world is thrown into chaos. Fluctuations in gravity and extreme tidal events bring destruction on a global scale. But when it's discovered that some sort of alien technology is responsible, NASA director Jocinda Fowler (Halle Berry) must turn to disgraced astronaut Brian Harper (Patrick Wilson), the only man who has seen this tech up close, and a crackpot scientist (John Bradley) with strange theories about the moon, in order to fix the problem. The master of disaster returns, once again, to the genre that put him on the Hollywood map. Only you'll probably wish that he hadn't.  Moonfall  comes across like an inferior version of his previous disaster epics. Which begs the question; why does Roland Emmerich keep falling back on the same old (and very recognisable) template? This sort of thing was getting stale when 2012  came out back in 2009! But it's all here; the (sometimes) disgraced expert and/or bad parent who will ma...

Midway | Average Guy Movie Review

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese looked to eliminate America's aircraft carriers in order to cripple their fleet. The plan was to attack the US base on Midway Island, drawing the US carriers into a trap. It is the battle that saw the beginning of a massive shift in naval power in the Pacific. Roland Emmerich's re-telling of the Battle of Midway isn't quite as epic as you'd expect it to be. But on the bright side it is better than "Pearl Harbor" - the Michael Bay movie, not the battle - not that that's a major accomplishment. Known for his epic disaster movies - Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow - Emmerich favours a slow build, allowing his audience to get to know the characters as he gradually positions them for the main event. With Midway, it's a brief history of the early days of the war in the Pacific. However, at times this can feel vague, like the movie is skipping over major details and lacking in context, leavin...

Midway | Moustache Teaser Reaction

The Battle of Midway was one of the pivotal battles in the Pacific Theatre, during World War 2. In his first project since Independence Day: Resurgence, Roland Emmerich will tell the story of the men who fought on both sides - although he won't be the first. The teaser trailer is here (check it out below), here's what we thought.  This is a World War 2 movie on the scale of Independence Day, "epic" would be the word I'd use to describe it. I mean, does Roland Emmerich do anything small when it comes to making movies? It's definitely a style he has made work before, and it certainly seems appropriate for telling a story like this. Especially when he appears to be incorporating the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Doolittle Raid into the story - both were factors in the Imperial Japanese Navy's decision to attack Midway. But I can't help wondering if he's bitten off more than he can chew. Midway will likely have a three hour-ish runti...