The second trailer for Avengers: Endgame has arrived, and it's a little more hopeful than what we've seen up to this point. If you haven't already seen it, check it out below. It starts off with a little recap, what our heroes have been through over the last ten years, the things they've seen and the people they've lost. Tony thinking about how he became Iron Man, Steve Rogers doing the same with his own past and Thor thinking about his father and how he became King of Asgard, only to see half of his people - if not more - wiped out in an instant. Hawkeye teaching what could be his daughter - or possibly a young Kate Bishop - to use a bow and arrow is a particularly pertinent shot, given that we have no idea what has happened to him since the snap - or "Decimation" as it's said to be known in the movie - other than something caused him to take on a new identity as 'Ronin', and that Romanoff will be the one to hunt him down.