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Showing posts with the label Robert Downey Jr

Oppenheimer | Average Guy Movie Review

Christopher Nolan's epic biopic proves to be a beautifully chaotic examination of a brilliant but complicated man. Warts and all, so to speak. Based on the book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer , the storytelling jumps back and forth through several periods in history in ways that feel random to show us how Oppenheimer became the "father of the Atomic Bomb", as well as the effect his work at Los Alamos had on him and his eventual fall from grace. And yet somehow it all pieces together perfectly. The movie should feel jumbled, but it unravels the man's story smoothly. It simply flows in a way that makes it as gripping as it is fascinating. But it would be nothing - well, nearly nothing - without the incredible cast that brings this story to life. So much so that t he passions of all those involved at Los Alamos - however misguided - are almost palpable. It  is a mammoth cast, filled with famous names and great talent, it's any d

Avengers: Endgame | Average Guy Movie review

After Thanos (Josh Brolin) successfully wiped out half of all life in the universe, the Avengers - those that remain anyway - are left to pick up the pieces. Each of them must try to deal with what happened in their own way. But when a chance at undoing "the decimation" presents itself, Earth's mightiest heroes must stand together one last time..."whatever it takes." Infinity War may have been a trip through the emotional ringer, but Endgame is more like a rollercoaster ride through it...backwards. This is like nothing we have ever seen in the MCU before, and at the same time feels very familiar. It's safe to say that the stakes have never been higher, the same can also be said of the cost. The MCU has been criticised in the past for it's portrayal of death, and the interesting work-arounds our heroes have used to cheat it. But this time - as promised by the Russos - the price of resurrection is very high, and it's one the Avengers must be

Avengers: Endgame | Moustache Trailer Reaction

The second trailer for Avengers: Endgame has arrived, and it's a little more hopeful than what we've seen up to this point. If you haven't already seen it, check it out below. It starts off with a little recap, what our heroes have been through over the last ten years, the things they've seen and the people they've lost. Tony thinking about how he became Iron Man, Steve Rogers doing the same with his own past and Thor thinking about his father and how he became King of Asgard, only to see half of his people - if not more - wiped out in an instant. Hawkeye teaching what could be his daughter - or possibly a young Kate Bishop - to use a bow and arrow is a particularly pertinent shot, given that we have no idea what has happened to him since the snap - or "Decimation" as it's said to be known in the movie - other than something caused him to take on a new identity as 'Ronin', and that Romanoff will be the one to hunt him down. 

Spider-Man: Homecoming | Average Guy Movie Review

The MCU's version of the webslinger has landed back in New York for his first solo outing. After the events of Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is keen to prove himself as an Avenger. But his mentor of sorts - Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) - wants the 15 year old to go back to school and learn what it means to be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man first. Peter is definitely a kid with a lot on his plate, on top of the usual issues a modern day teenage nerd faces, he's still learning the extent of his abilities and trying to impress Stark. All while trying to bring down a gang selling salvaged alien technology, led by Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton). Without giving us another origin story, Marvel have re-introduced us to the world of Spider-Man. Director Jon Watts has avoided the format of previous movies where the hero acquires his powers, goes through a quick montage to learn what he can do and from then on is unstoppable. What I really like abo

Captain America: Civil War: Average Guy Movie Review

 The Russo Brothers have kicked off Phase 3 of the MCU with Captain America: Civil War. In his third solo outing, the man out of time must watch his team and his friends  get torn apart at a time when his new life collides with the old one. After a mission goes bad, the Avengers are faced with the Sokovia Accords, a document that'll put them under the control of the UN. This decision pits the team against each other, with half wanting to keep their independence and the other half wanting to keep the team together and on the right side of the law. The biggest rivalry somes in the form of Steve vs Tony. Steve fears the "agendas" and corruption of politicians and wants the Avengers to remain independent; "the safest hands are still our own". Whereas Tony is still dealing with the guilt of the Ultron incident and is possibly still carrying the effects of Scarlett Witch's fear inducing vision, and therefore believes the Avengers should be held acco

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Average Guy Movie Review

With the release of Shane Black's The Nice Guys just over a month away, I thought it would be a good idea to re-visit his directorial debut and one of my favourite movies of all time; Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.  In New York, petty thief Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) runs from Police straight into a movie audition, he quickly finds himself in Hollywood mingling with A listers, where he's reunited with his high school friend and failed actress Harmony Faith Lane (Michelle Monaghan). To prepare for his role he's given "Detective lessons" by Perry van Shrike A.K.A Gay Perry  (Val Kilmer) , a Private Detective working for the movie company. When a surveillance gig goes slightly wrong Harry finds himself in the middle of a criminal conspiracy, in order to stay alive Harry, Perry and Harmony must solve "the case of the dead people in L.A." Harry Lockhart narrates the movie just like the main character in many classic mysteries. But Harry bring