When government assassin Henry Brogan (Will Smith) decides to retire, some of his former associates deem him a threat. But how do you eliminate one of the world's greatest hitmen? Send his clone - a younger version of himself - to do the job. Ang Lee pushes motion-capture technology to its limits in his latest endeavour, which sees Will Smith go up against his younger self. It really is uncanny seeing the two Wills stand opposite each other. Bar a shot here and there - where the clone's face gets a little rubbery - it really is a flawless recreation, circa "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"/"Bad Boys". The artists at Weta are able to capture all of Smith's performance(s), nothing is lost, all of the emotion he portrays is there, despite all of the work that has been done to de-age him. At times it will even make you think; "what would I say to my younger self?" However, once you get past the incredible technology used to pit tw...