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Showing posts with the label Road House

Road House | A Moustache Double-Bill

Firstly, I should probably point out that up until recently the high-kicking 1989 cult classic has eluded me - or maybe it was me eluding it. Who knows? Anyway, seeing that Doug Liman and Jake Gyllenhaal have taken it upon themselves to remake Road House  and put a 21st century spin on solving every problem by kicking, I figured; 'why not make it a double feature?' View the two movies for the first time one after the other and see how they measure up.  Naturally I took the chronological approach, starting with the original movie and then moving on to the remake. Watching this cult classic for the first time, I was struck by how much it feels like a feature length episode of The A-Team . Typical 80's good guy arrives in town, where he comes to blows with the rich guy/your typical A-Team  bad guy who thinks he owns the place. Seriously, stick that famous opening monologue on the beginning and have Patrick Swayze's 'Dalton' build some weird weapon from parts acquir...