It seems that Marvel has come up with a way to get us in the Christmas spirit early, this year. That's right; the trailer for their new show Hawkeye has arrived, and if it's anything to go by, Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) will be bringing the festive cheer. For me, the announcement of a Hawkeye show was a welcome one. I figured it was about time the most unappreciated Avenger got some love. In fact, I never understood why he is so unappreciated. He's a fun character, and Jeremy Renner plays him brilliantly. I also figured his show would be something of a low key affair, especially when compared to the Marvel shows that have gone before it. So I was delightfully surprised when the trailer arrived and I finally got a glimpse of the merriments to come. After all, what's more festive than a Christmas adventure in New York? Photo Credit: Entertainment Weekly On the face of it Clint is doing his best to lead a better life, making up for lost time with his family and undoub...