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Showing posts with the label The Gray Man

The Gray Man | Average Guy Movie Review

A CIA assassin codenamed 'Six' (Ryan Gosling) becomes the subject of a global manhunt when his latest target hands him an item containing information that's rather compromising for certain agency officials. In order to retrieve the item said officials offer Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans) - a former operative and all around deranged lunatic - unlimited means to hunt Six down. The Russo brothers have delivered all-out action insanity with The Gray Man . Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas at their arse-kicking best. Chris Evans as the moustache twirling villain (you know he's evil because he wears shoes with no socks!). Jessica Henwick and Billy Bob Thornton in supporting roles and pretty much non-stop carnage across half the globe. Moreover, the movie is unapologetic in its delivery of action scene after action scene without explanation or the opportunity to catch breath. This is Saturday night action movie viewing at its finest... or at least it should be. For some reason The Gra...