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Parallel | Average Guy Movie Review

According to the multiverse theory, there are an infinite number of parallel universes. And each one could contain a parallel version of every one of us, some quite similar, and some very different. What would you do if you could see life through the eyes of just one of your "parallels"? That's the question new couple Heather (Faye Sewell) and Neil (David Magowan) have to ask themselves when they meet Machlis (Brian Carter), a medium who can show them the other side. Directed by Ieva Makselyte, produced by Alexander Cooper, written by David Magowan and inspired by erotic thrillers of the 1990's, Parallel is a dark look at obsession and the multiverse theory. Have Heather and Neil been brainwashed, or is all this real?   For some the idea of seeing yourself in a parallel universe would be a nightmare. Machlis could be a fraud, looking to hypnotise you in order to rob you blind. But for others it wouldn't matter, t he service Machlis provides could be a w...