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Venom | Average Guy Movie Review

When investigative journalist Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) starts looking into the Life Foundation and its head, Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), he makes a shocking discovery. Drake's astronauts have discovered alien life, which they're bringing back to Earth. Through his investigation, Brock is accidentally exposed to one of the life forms. This "symbiote" as it's known bonds with him, granting him incredible powers and abilities. The question is, what will he do with those powers? In the build-up to it's release, Venom has received a lot of negativity, it has been described as "unexciting" and "aggressively loud and stupid" by critics. When I read this I have to ask; what movie were they watching? Venom is a simple yet fun comic book movie/origin story/buddy comedy. Thanks to some great special effects, all of the symbiotes look great, especially when interacting with their hosts. The action is very exciting, although it does take a wh...