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Showing posts with the label Star Trek

Moustache Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide Part 14 | Star Trek: Lower Decks

Finally the animated show that depicts the other side of life in Starfleet has arrived on UK shores - well at least in our TV's anyway. That's right, in the latest edition of our Moustache Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide we will be talking about Season 1 of Star Trek: Lower Decks. You can check out the rest of our Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide by clicking here . Have you ever wondered how Starfleet vessels run so smoothly? Wondered who takes care of the day to day stuff? Well that would be the lower deck crew of course, and it's about time they got their very own TV show. Now we can see what this colourful band of reprobates get up to as we join the crew of the USS Cerritos on some of Starfleet's less glamorous missions.  As tight ropes go, Mike McMahan has found himself a particularly tricky one with Star Trek: Lower Decks. But walk it he has - and in particular style - finding a way to both celebrate and poke fun at a beloved franchise like Star Trek. This may p...

Moustache Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide Part 1 | Star Trek: Picard

In these unique times, we find ourselves spending a lot more time indoors. So I thought it might be helpful to point out some great movies and TV shows available on streaming that could help break the boredom. In part 1 I'm looking at Star Trek: Picard on Amazon Prime. It has been twenty years since the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) has retired from Starfleet and is living out his days on the family vineyard. But when a young woman comes to him for help, Picard must journey into the dark void of space once again. Only this time he's doing it without Starfleet, forcing him to find a ship, and more importantly a crew willing to help him in his mission. Returning to one of the signature roles of your career can be risky, especially when the character is as beloved as Jean-Luc Picard. Luckily, Patrick Stewart makes it look easy, you wouldn't think it had been almost two decades since he last sat in the captain's chair. Picard...

Simon Pegg Has An Idea When Star Trek 4 Will Shoot

There seems to be a lot going on with Star Trek at the moment! Discovery is about to start a second season, Quentin Tarantino is apparently working on his own Star Trek movie and S.J. Clarkson (Jessica Jones, The Defenders) has taken over directing duties from Justin Lin for the fourth instalment in the Kelvin universe. While appearing on Larry King Now, Simon Pegg was questioned about the upcoming sequel to 2016's Star Trek Beyond: I met the new director, S. J. Clarkson, who is the first female director of a Star Trek film, which is exciting, and she is just brimming with ideas and enthusiasm. I can't wait to work with her. The actor - who plays Scotty - was also asked whether he knew about possible production dates, to which he had this to say: As far as I know, we're sort of in soft prep at the moment. I would imagine next year at some point. Hopefully early next year. It's believed that the story of the new movie will revolve around Chris Hemsworth...

4DX – Is it worth it or just a gimmick?

Having watched the promo video what do you think? This week I saw Ghostbusters in 4DX and it definitely made the movie more of a ride. In fact 4DX feels like it was designed to appeal to the roller coaster crowd but will you miss the experience when watching the same movies at home? When I saw Ghostbusters for the second time I decided to view it in 4DX because I wanted to know what the "environmental effects" did for the movie going experience. If you want to know what I thought of Ghostbusters check out my Average Guy Movie Review . In my honest opinion; right now 4DX is more of a gimmick than an experience. The movement, air bursts, smoke and spraying water were more of a distraction than anything else, all of which felt out of sink with the movie. The effects like the strobe lights went off a split second before whatever they were supposed to augment happened. For example; during a subway scene, the Ghostbusters find a ghost in the tunnel who had been executed u...

The Bourne Reappearance

In a year full of superhero movies: Deadpool Batman v Superman Captain America: Civil War X-MEN: Apocalypse Suicide Squad it's nice to see the return of a super human of a more normal kind. This summer Jason Bourne returns to the big screen in (oddly enough) Jason Bourne. The plot is currently unknown. Our first glimpse comes in the form of a 31 second superbowl spot. However, with a 28th July release date I don't think it'll be long before we see another longer trailer. In terms of plot we know very little. Bourne is still on the move, living in the shadows. In the trailer he says "I remember everything" to which Nicky (Julia Stiles) replies "remembering everything doesn't mean you know everything". But it appears he's still on the run, apparently surviving by competing in underground bare knuckle boxing. When a surveillance photo of him appears on a screen in a government control centre one of the agents (Ato Essandoh) says "t...