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Showing posts with the label Charged: The Eduardo Garcia Story

Charged: The Eduardo Garcia Story | Average Guy Documentary Review | Movierob's Genre Grandeur

For this month's Genre Grandeur on Documentary films, I am reviewing Charged: The Eduardo Garcia Story. Click here  to check out the other reviews over on Movierob's site. Whilst out hunting in the back country of Montana, Eduardo Garcia came across what looked like an old metal drum. Inside was a dead animal, but when Garcia tried to touch it with his knife, he was hit with 2400 volts of electricity. Somehow, he survived, and managed to walk to get help. But he suffered several major injuries, that required multiple surgeries and resulted in the loss of his left hand. This is the story of his recovery. If you ever want to see an example of the strength of the human spirit, Charged is a good place to start. It is impossible to not be moved by Eduardo Garcia's story, and his unwavering positivity in the face of such life changing injuries. Especially when you find out that even after the accident, life wasn't done crapping on this guy. Because o...