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Showing posts with the label The Post

The Post | Average Guy Movie Review

After The New York Times begins publishing articles based on the "Pentagon Papers", Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks) looks to get in on the story. At the same time, Katherine 'Kay' Graham (Meryl Streep) - the Post's owner/publisher - is preparing to take the company public and a crisis could jeopardise the whole deal. "The Pentagon Papers" are part of a classified report on US involvement in the Vietnam conflict that showed, among other things, that the scope of their involvement had secretly been enlarged despite the fact they knew they couldn't win, and that several administrations had lied about it. Making it something that Nixon was desperate to keep under wraps, threatening legal action against anyone who dares publish them. So the question is; if Bradlee and his team can find a source with a copy of the report, will they be able to run the story and avoid going to jail? Once again Steven Spielberg has taken a fascinating ...

Top 5 Movies and TV Shows about Journalism

To mark the release of Steven Spielberg's "The Post" we've put together a list of our favourite movies and TV shows about journalism. They may be an idealistic and glamourised look at the profession - determined reporters who rarely sleep, working tirelessly to get the big story - but there's something about watching the underdogs take on everyone from criminals to big business to governments in the search for truth.  So here it is, in no particular order our top 5 movies and TV shows about journalism: All the President's Men If this is Star Wars - A New Hope then The Post is Rogue One. Based on the book of the same name, All the President's Men is the true story of Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) and Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman), two reporters for The Washington Post who covered the Watergate scandal. When five men are arrested breaking into the Democratic National HQ in the Watergate complex, they are soon linked to the government and Pres...