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Showing posts with the label Michael Cera

Molly's Game | Average Guy Movie Review

Much like 2010's The Social Network, Molly's Game takes us into a Sorkin-esque dramatisation of history. After a fall robs her of her goal of skiing in the Olympics, Molly Bloom (Jessica Chastain) goes in search of her new self, one that doesn't involve skis. A decision that more than displeases her father and coach (Kevin Costner). Molly's journey takes her to Los Angeles where she finds work as an assistant. Part of her job is to host her boss' private poker game. With the help of one of the players, an unidentified actor - played by Michael Cera - Molly is soon running one of the most exclusive poker games in Hollywood, living solely on the tips she receives from the players. Intertwined with the story of her incredible rise is that of her fall, her arrest by the FBI and trial for ties to organised crime. Idris Elba co-stars as Molly's lawyer, Charlie Jaffey. Aaron Sorkin, the writer known for engrossing stories, interesting characters and snappy...

The LEGO Batman Movie: Average Guy Movie Review

After appearing in 2014's The LEGO Movie as a supporting character, Will Arnett's Batman takes centre stage in The LEGO Batman Movie. With Batman continually refusing help from everyone, insisting he only works alone and needs no-one, those around him begin to feel unappreciated...including the Joker! As a result, the new commissioner considers a Gotham without Batman, and Joker (Zach Galifianakis) goes to new levels to prove himself Batman's greatest enemy. Much like its predecessor, The LEGO Batman Movie is incredible to watch. The animation is stunning from start to finish. Everything in this Lego world looks buildable, Chris McKay and his team have definitely earned the title of 'Master Builders'. And this world is full of hilarious references to Batman and the extended DC universe. Many of them are hidden within the vast and impressive caverns of the Batcave, including every Batmobile the Dark Knight has ever driven. There's a brilliant tribute to p...

Sausage Party: Average Guy Movie Review

The supermarket becomes a parody for real life in what could be Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's most extreme and yet intelligent movie to date. Sausage Party is laugh out loud funny throughout, but with the comedy comes a sort of over head view of the world we live in, as well as all of the swearing drug, alcohol and sex references we've come to expect of a Seth Rogen movie. The movie could be just as controversial as Rogen and Goldberg's The Interview, but where that was a very stupid story that depicted a current, real, live dictator and his (fictional) assassination, Sausage party takes the South Park approach...everyone and everything is fair game! Sausage Party is set during the days leading up to the July 4th celebrations, hot dogs Frank (Rogen), Barry (Michael Cera) and Carl (Jonah Hill) as well as Franks' girlfriend, a hot dog bun named Brenda Bunson (Kristen Wiig) are all looking forward to being purchased so they can travel to the "Great Beyond...