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Showing posts with the label Thaddeus Ross

The Final Civil War Trailer

Apologies for the late response but between work and the arrival of Tom Clancy's The Division I need sleep! Now, before I get started, don't talk to Epic Voice Guy - Jon Bailey - about this trailer. But do check out his YouTube chanel and the video he made in response to the final Civil War trailer because he raises some valid points. So we've got just over a month until Captain America: Civil War is released and we finally get to see the man everyone has been waiting to see...Spider-Man. But before we get into that, what else do we see? It's more of a story trailer, there's definitley a lot of action, but we learn more about what's going on. Thaddeus Ross (William Hurt) is back, as Secretary of State he's now gunning for all of the Avengers rather than just Hulk. Using the Sokovian Accords, the Battle of New York and the infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. by Hydra to try and exercise control over the Avengers. This will obviously result in dividing...