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Showing posts with the label Richard Donner

The Snyder Cut | Wouldn't Be The First Time a Director Got a Second Chance

It seems that a fairly common occurrence amongst movies tied to Warner Bros. is the magical disappearing/reappearing director. Does that mean there's hope for the Snyder Cut? I certainly hope so! Ever since Justice League hit cinemas in 2017 - possibly even before - fans have been calling for Zack Snyder's original vision to be released. Snyder famously faced issues regarding the darker tone and longer run times his movies were taking, especially after the negative response to 'Batman v Superman'. This of course led to rewrites of the superhero team-up movie, and certain plotlines established or teased in 'BvS' - including the epic Knightmare scene - being dropped. The director then left the production after the tragic death of his daughter. Joss Whedon was brought in by the studio to finish the movie, this included the completion of post production and some major reshoots, further altering the movie. All of which resulted in a movie that is drastically ...

Lethal Weapon (TV Show): Moustache Trailer Reaction

In 1987 Lethal Weapon hit cinemas, it was an instant hit that spawned three sequels over the course of a decade. For a while there was a possibility of a fourth sequel but it never gained traction. On the 25th Anniversary of the first movie's release, Empire met with Mel Gibson, Danny Glover and Director Richard Donner, all of whom confirmed that Lethal Weapon 5 would never happen. But it seems there are some who feel they haven't milked that particular cash cow enough. That's why Fox has rebooted it as a TV show starring Damon Wayans (The Last Boyscout) and Clayne Crawford (24, The Glades, Justified) as Roger Murtaugh and Martin Riggs. McG is directing the pilot. What we get is a standard American police procedural with a comedy element and familiar names. The problem is Riggs and Murtaugh are an iconic cop duo because of Mel Gibson and Danny Glover and the relationship they had both on and off screen. Under a different name this project might work, but as Lethal...