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Wonder Woman 1984 | Average Guy Movie Review

It has been sixty years since Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) left the island of Themyscira to join the world of man, and in that time she has become rather lonely. Now living in Washington DC, she divides her time between working at the Smithsonian and using her powers to help people. But when a strange artifact - one with the power to make our greatest desires a reality - finds its way into the hands of the power-hungry businessman, Max Lord (Pedro Pascal), Diana faces choosing between her own happiness and the fate of the world. After many delays thanks to Covid-19, the release of Wonder Woman 1984 is a welcome relief from our new norm. I considered making this review part of the Moustache Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide, but given that WW84 is still in cinemas - where cinemas are open, anyway - and only available to rent on digital, it didn't really fit with what I've tried to do with the streaming survival guide.  A movie like this really should be seen on the big screen, and a...