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Showing posts with the label Oscar Isaac

Dune | Average Guy Movie Review

At a time when his family is called upon to protect the galaxy's most valuable resource; Spice - a material that can extend human life, makes interstellar travel possible, and is only found on the desert planet of Arrakis - Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) is trying to figure out if he's going to be the man everyone wants him to be. But with treachery closing in on House Atreides from all sides, and the Spice fields up for grabs, he's going to have to figure it out quick. The man who brought us an epic sequel to Blade Runner  has gone in search of an even bigger challenge, and the one he has set his heart on is Frank Herbert's sci-fi classic;  Dune . This highly influential novel has in the past proven rather difficult to adapt for both the big and small screen. Not that that would deter someone like Denis Villeneuve, for whom making Dune  has been a life-long ambition. Something that definitely shows in his recreation of this vast and rich universe. Everything is very...

Dune | Moustache Trailer Reaction

Like one of the massive space ships that feature within it, the trailer for Denis Villeneuve's take on 'Dune' has landed... and it's magnificent. If you've not seen it, or you simply want to watch it again, you can check it out below: Trying to tame Frank Herbert's legendary sci-fi novel, it seems, is a challenge like no other. But if anyone is up to the task, it's a fair bet that it's Denis Villeneuve. The French-Canadian director is no stranger to reviving beloved sci-fi properties; Blade Runner 2049 is a worthy sequel to the original Blade Runner, and an outstanding movie in its own right - the best of 2017 in my opinion. Add to that his previous projects (Sicario, Arrival, Prisoners), and you've got a director with a talent for combining complex narratives, fascinating characters and stunning visuals, in a way that's both gripping and intelligible. From the moment the trailer begins you can feel the epic scale of what has been created here. G...

Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker | Average Guy Movie Review

Since the Battle of Crait, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) has sought to increase his control over the galaxy. All the while Rey (Daisy Ridley) has continued her Jedi training and the Resistance have struggled to maintain a foothold. But when a new threat emerges, the rebels are faced with a race against time to save the galaxy from the Sith and a new Galactic Empire. JJ Abrams' conclusion to one of the biggest movie franchises in history certainly tries to live up to the word "epic". There is a lot going on here - enough for two movies in fact - and because of that it's all a bit rushed. The movie's pace steams along at something akin to light speed. Rarely letting up - even for the much needed exposition - The Rise of Skywalker jumps from one intense moment to the next. As feared, it is a little JJ does Return of the Jedi. Beyond that, he and writer Chris Terrio have just tried to do too much with one movie. This includes providing a conclusion to all nine movies...

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Moustache Trailer Reaction

The final trailer for Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker is here, and it looks to be on a scale beyond anything we've ever seen in a galaxy far, far away...if that's even possible. If you haven't seen the trailer (or you just want to watch it again), check it out below: With all the information circling the final instalment in the Skywalker saga, I was expecting something quite dark and sinister when it came to the final trailer. But this actually feels quite hopeful, maybe the people at Lucasfilm are lulling us in to a false sense of security. Either way, this trailer does its job perfectly; it's both exciting and tense, it raises more questions than it answers, and the saga looks to be going out with a massive bang! The Resistance are gathering their forces in preparation for a major battle, possibly a last stand, a battle to end all battles. It appears that Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) and Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) - aboard the Millennium ...

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Moustache Trailer Reaction

As you're probably aware, the first trailer for Star Wars Episode IX has arrived, and as with many big trailer releases I couldn't resist sharing a few thoughts. If you haven't seen the trailer - or you just want to watch it again - check it out below.  First of all the title. I'm not sold on this yet, not that that is likely to stop me seeing 'The Rise of Skywalker' on the big screen...actually there's no chance I'm missing this! Obviously there could be multiple meanings to this title, which does feel rather on the nose. You could argue that 'Return of the Jedi' had several different meanings, the return of Luke to his home planet, the return of Anakin over Darth Vader, the return of the Jedi Order. But does this new title signify the rise of a specific Skywalker? In which case, how are they rising? Or does it refer to the rise of a new order (led by members of the Skywalker family) that will lead the galaxy into a new era? Given ...

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi | Average Guy Movie Review

After destroying Starkiller Base, what's left of the Resistance is on the run, with a First Order fleet hot on their heels. In an attempt to aid their escape, Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) sends Finn (John Boyega) and Resistance Mechanic Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) on a secret mission. Meanwhile on Ach-To, Rey (Daisy Ridley) attempts to convince Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) to show her the ways of the Force and to join the Resistance in the fight against the First Order. In what is a first for Star Wars (unless you count Rogue One), the story picks up immediately after the events of The Force Awakens. Rey finally gets to hand Luke his father's lightsaber - although she doesn't get quite the response she expects. It's here that Mark Hamill demonstrates his abilities as an actor, for Luke isn't the optimistic Jedi Knight we saw in Episode VI. Having endured a hard life along with the loss of his new Jedi Temple at the hands of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), he has become di...

X-Men: Apocalypse: Average Guy Movie Review

The final instalment of the 'First Class' story arc has arrived, Apocalypse is awoken and he's more than slightly pissed off! But to be fair, D.I. Alex Drake (Keeley Hawes) wasn't too impressed when she woke up in the early eighties either (yes I made an Ashes to Ashes reference). Bryan Singer brings us back to the mutant story ten years after the events of Days of Future Past, it's 1983 and human/mutant relations are better after the world saw Mystique save President Nixon. Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is prospering, Mystique continues to fight for mutant freedom and Magneto has gone into hiding. Apocalypse or En Sabah Nur as he's also known sees himself as a god and means to rule the world. When awoken, he's displeased with what the world has become so he begins to gather his new Horsemen; four of the most powerful mutants whom he makes more powerful.   Oscar Isaac delivers a great performance as the world's first mutan...