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Showing posts with the label Average Guy Movie Review

Dirty Grandpa: Average Guy Movie Review

Before we start I don't want to hear a load of crap about how this will never live up to De Niro's classics. This is not a review of Robert De Niro or his career, it's a review of his latest film Dirty Grandpa. Images courtesy of Google Images The film is about a widower (De Niro) who convinces his grandson (Efron) to drive him to Florida in an attempt to regain his youth (have sex) and show his grandson how to have fun. De Niro and Efron work well as grandfather and grandson, watching De Niro misbehave and humiliate Efron is hilarious. Watch out for Efron doing the Macarena! It's no Oscar winner but it is a fun film about remembering to enjoy life and not to let others make your choices for you! That said, if you watch Dirty Grandpa expecting Oscar material you're clearly an the trailer. The goal of this movie is to make people laugh, and maybe cringe. Both of which this movie achieves.  Told you you'd cringe! I went to the cinema ...