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Showing posts with the label No Man's Sky

To Boldly Go...Wherever the Hell You Want

Hello Games has released their groundbreaking new game; No Man's Sky. Available on PS4 and PC, it gives players the opportunity to explore a galaxy of 18 quintillion planets (yes that's a real number), with the ultimate goal of reaching the centre of the galaxy. Along the way they will have to create, mine and trade resources to power and advance their equipment and their ship. The game is built on four pillars: Exploration Trading Combat Survival The developers have done a good job of capturing the feel of both Star Trek and Star Wars whilst also taking inspiration from Frank Herbert's Dune and science fiction authors Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Heinlein. Every planet in the galaxy is explorable. When players log in for the first time they will find themselves on a random planet, where they will have to complete certain tasks before they can leave. From there players can go wherever they want provided they have the resources to do it. Play...