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Moustache Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide Part 15 | The Dig

It's not every day that a movie arrives on Netflix - or on any platform, for that matter - featuring a story that took place just down the road from where you live... well, where I live, anyway. But that is exactly the case with 'The Dig', a movie that explores the excavation of an important Anglo-Saxon burial site on the eve of World War 2. Don't forget to check out the rest of our Lockdown Streaming Survival Guide, which you can find here . In 1939, Edith Pretty (Carey Mulligan) hires local excavator and amateur archaeologist Basil Brown (Ralph Fiennes) to investigate a series of possible burial mounds on her property at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk. What they uncover soon draws the attention of the British Museum, and they must fight to maintain control of their discovery. First off, it's important to note that 'The Dig' isn't based on a true story in the usual sense, it's based on the novel that is based on the real event. So as a depiction of a history...