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Showing posts with the label Liev Schreiber

X-Men | Moustache ReWatch - Part 1

So... Deadpool & Wolverine . They're bringing the X-Men  and many more Fox  characters into the MCU . It is a movie phenomenon of epic proportions, not only seeing the oddball pair finally team up, but seeing them bring one cinematic universe into another. What will that mean for the MCU ? How many of these beloved characters will they bring over, and will they be played by the same actors? Yes and no, I guess. There are many questions surrounding this monumental cinematic event, and some of the answers may still be a long way off. On the bright side, that means there's plenty of time to revisit every movie in Fox's X-Men  franchise, which is exactly what I've done. Way back in the year 2000 Bryan Singer brought the X-Men  to the big screen, and fair to say; it was a bit of a thing. Watching it more than 20 years later, it can feel almost low key, despite the stakes. The humble beginnings of what would become a massive franchise. In that respect it does make a gr...

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse | Average Guy Movie Review

Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) is a typical teenager, struggling to fit in whilst also trying to find his place in the world. His struggles only worsen when he's bitten by a genetically engineered spider, gifting him with the same abilities as Spider-Man. Abilities he must learn to control. Luckily for Miles, a cross-dimensional event has brought several other Spider-People to his dimension, who better to teach him what it means to be Spider-Man? But will he master it all before his new found friends are forced to return home? Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is proof that Sony can do a Spider-Man movie, and do it well, if they get the right people. Oh, and if they leave said people alone to do the work. This is a spectacular movie on every level. Thanks to some beautiful animation - a combination of comic book and anime styles - this new version of the Marvel universe looks fantastic. Not only that, the voice cast do an impeccable job of bringing it to life. And at the cen...

Spotlight: Average Guy Movie Review

In 2001 the Spotlight team of The Boston Globe was assigned by their new Editor - Marty Baron - to investigate the allegations that Catholic Priests in the Boston area had molested young children, and that senior members of the church not only knew about it but had gone to great lengths to cover it up. This is the story of that investigation, and the team's struggle to bring the truth to light The last thing I wanted to see with a movie like this was two hours of church bashing. Thankfully that this is far from the case with Spotlight. Instead, director Tom McCarthy - along with writer Josh Singer - delivers a shocking yet compassionate story that focuses on the victims, and the hard work put in by journalists at the Globe to expose this conspiracy. That's not to say that the church doesn't take any flack, because it does, a lot, and deservedly so. To think that the molestation of countless children was not only going on for decades, but was continuously covered up is outr...