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Showing posts with the label Pilou Asbaek

Samaritan | Average Guy Movie Review

Granite City used to be the home of two super-powered individuals; Samaritan and Nemesis. After an explosion at the city's power plant, they were feared dead. But 25 years later there are some who believe Samaritan survived, including 13-year-old Sam Cleary (Javon Walton). Sam thinks his neighbour, Joe Smith (Sylvester Stallone), is the city's lost superhero, so the boy makes it his mission to find out why his hero is living in hiding. Amazon's latest foray into a superhero world is not quite the explosive hit I'm sure they hoped it would be. Samaritan  looks a lot like the superhero movies of the late nineties and early noughties - including some very cheap looking super suits and bad CGI. It feels like it has been ripped directly from the pages of a graphic novel, rather than adapted for a movie. Some things don't translate well from page to screen, and this it seems, is one of them. The story is a rather bland, run-of-the-mill affair, making it rather difficult t...

Ghost in the Shell: Average Guy Movie Review

Scarlett Johansson stars as the Major in Ghost in the Shell, based on the manga series of the same name. In a world where most humans are cybernetically enhanced, Major is the next step - a human brain in a robotic body. She's part of a counter terrorism team known as Section 9. When Hanka Robotics executives are murdered and their brains hacked, Section 9 find themselves on the trail of a mysterious hacker known as Kuze (Michael Pitt).  Before I get into the review I must point out that I've never seen the 1995 original or any of its sequels/spin-offs, I can't say what has changed and what has been lost in the transition from anime to live action. I do know that the remake borrows story points from across the franchise. To me, Ghost in the Shell feels like Blade Runner meets RoboCop. A cyborg cop policing a dystopian future, hunting robots, cyborgs and humans, all while trying to understand their place in the world. The visuals are very impressive,  Director Rup...