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Showing posts with the label Jon Bernthal

Le Mans '66 | Average Guy Movie Review

Also known as Ford v Ferrari, this is the story of Ford's battle to beat Ferrari at Le Mans. Racing veterans Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon) and Ken Miles (Christian Bale) are caught in an up-hill struggle with Ford executives, as they spearhead the development of a car that can go head to head with the Italian racing pedigree. Based on the book "Go Like Hell" by A. J. Baime, "Logan" director James Mangold tells the story of one of racing's great rivalries. In the early 1960's, Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts) looked to improve sales by investing in a racing team. But when a deal to purchase Ferrari fell through - resulting in some animosity between Ford and old Enzo Ferrari (Remo Girone) - the man from Michigan was determined to have his revenge, by winning the Ferrari dominated Le Mans 24 hour race. Now you're probably thinking that a story like this is all about the racing, well you'd be half-way right. There are indeed a lot of scenes featurin...

Widows | Average Guy Movie Review

The lives of four women are threatened when their husbands are killed during the course of a robbery gone wrong. The men they robbed want their money back - all $2 million of it - and they're holding the widows responsible. The only chance these women have of clearing the debt is to pull off their husband's next job. There's just one problem, they've never done anything like this before. Writer/Director Steve McQueen, in his first project as director since 2013's 12 Years A Slave - and with the help of co-writer Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl) - has managed to catch lightning in a bottle once again. Widows is a tense and gritty thriller in which crime, politics and corruption are entwined in a web of deception and betrayal. McQueen and Flynn have created a criminal underworld befitting the Chicago setting. It's shiny exterior hides the rotten core in which those with power feed on the weak. Now you might think that sounds like an average day where...

Baby Driver | Average Guy Movie Review

Edgar Wright puts his own spin on the heist/getaway movie in his latest outing. Named after the song by Simon and Garfunkel, Baby Driver tells the story of a skilled getaway driver who suffers from tinnitus, to drown out this "hum in the drum", Baby (Ansel Elgort) is constantly listening to music. In fact, the whole movie is set to music, even the gunshots sync with the beat of whatever song is playing. It took Wright 16 years to write this script, and then another 6 to bring it to the big screen. But it's a movie that's well worth the wait! The opening chase alone is incredibly fun to watch, yet intelligent and tense as well. I wouldn't blame someone for thinking there's nothing new to do with a car chase, but I'd definitely encourage them to watch Baby Driver before they make up their mind. Especially considering all of the driving was done practically, no CGI or green screen here. Elgort was allowed to do some of the driving and what he cou...

The Accountant: Average Guy Movie Review

If anyone is still questioning Ben Affleck's abilities as an actor they need to watch The Accountant. Affleck plays Christian Wolff, a maths savant who provides forensic accounting services to the global criminal elite. When US Treasury Agents begin to close in, Christian takes on a more legitimate client in the form of an advanced robotics firm where junior accountant Dana Cummings (Anna Kendrick) has discovered evidence of possible embezzlement. But he quickly discovers that the new client isn't quite as legitimate as he first thought. With a compelling story and great performances this really is a movie that most people will enjoy. Affleck's portrayal of a man with autism - albeit high functioning - is excellent, everything from the trouble with eye contact to the inability to recognise social cues, it's all there. And he does it in a way that is respectful of the condition, the movie is able to draw humour from Christian's interactions but not at the...

Daredevil Returns

In a year where we get to see Batman v Superman and Captain America v Iron Man, Netflix is also giving us Daredevil v The Punisher. This week saw the release of the first proper trailer for Daredevil Season 2 which will be available on Netflix from 18th March. Daredevil it seems is still fighting to save Hell's Kitchen and its residents from the criminals that emerged in the wake of the Battle of New York. Only there's a new player in the game, Frank Castle A.K.A. The Punisher (Jon Bernthal). The problem is they don't exactly see eye to eye, The Punisher sees Daredevil as weak because he doesn't kill the criminals he hunts. Frank Castle, a military veteran, is the victim of a brutal crime; his family has been murdered and he wants to 'punish' those responsible. It appears in the trailer that Castle is leaving a trail of destruction across the city in an effort to accomplish his mission. This obviously draws the attention of well...everybody. From law enfo...