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The Meg | Average Guy Movie Review

When scientists begin exploring a previously undiscovered part of the Marianas trench, they inadvertently unleash a prehistoric shark - known as a Megalodon - on our oceans. Now, with the "Meg" running riot, the scientists find themselves in a race against time to stop it. In order to do so, they call in the one man who can help, Jason Statham...errr Jonas Taylor. This is what a summer blockbuster should be! Big, ridiculous fun, no thinking required. I think the scriptwriters had a list of Hollywood clichés that they ticked off as they went along. The disgraced hero, living a bum life, borderline alcoholic yet fit as an Olympic athlete. He's needed for a big job that only he can do. Don't forget the love interest who hates him at first - or at least pretends to. Those are just a few that come to mind. But it works because The Meg doesn't try to be anything more, it's a big, silly monster movie and that's it. It helps that Jon Turteltaub hasn't ...