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Showing posts with the label Thomas Jane

The Predator | Average Guy Movie Review

When a Predator crash lands on Earth, the US Government seizes the opportunity to study the alien hunter and his technology. But they're not the only ones looking for him. It seems that the Predators have been combining their DNA with that of their prey, and the result of that research is on his way here. Our only hope against this new threat comes in the form of a group of PTSD suffering veterans known as the "Loonies", an evolutionary biologist and a little boy with asperger's. Shane Black, the writer/director behind The Nice Guys, Iron Man 3 and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang has had a go at re-vamping the Predator franchise. And thank fuck the studio execs didn't want to aim for a 12 rating! Can you imagine the guy who played Hawkins in Predator, the guy who made all of those bad pussy jokes directing a 12 rated Predator movie? Look at what that did to Die Hard! Although Die Hard 4.0 sucked anyway. Don't worry, The Predator isn't anywhere near the level ...

THE PREDATOR | Moustache Trailer Reaction

The Predator is due for release on 14th September and we finally have a trailer. Written and directed by Shane Black (Hawkins in Predator/writer of Lethal Weapon/director of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang), this is the first Predator movie since 2010's Predators and it looks interesting. I'm also pleased to say there isn't a Xenomorph in site The official synopsis: From the reaches of outer space to the small-town streets of suburbia, the hunt comes home. Now, the universe's most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA of other species. When a young boy accidentally triggers their return to Earth, only a rag tag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled science teacher can prevent the end of the human race. Well that all sounds very dramatic! Without giving too much away, the trailer does hint at the plot. We get to see Boyd Holbrook's Quinn McKenna being interrogated by a Government man a...

USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage: Average Guy Movie Review

In 1945 the Americans dropped the world's first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Components and uranium for the bomb were delivered to Tinian, the island airfield where the bombers were based by the USS Indianapolis. The Indianapolis - a Portland class heavy cruiser - usually travelled with an escort of destroyers in order to protect against enemy submarines. But due to the secret nature of the mission it was decided that this journey should be completed unescorted. The journey to Tinian was completed in record time, after making their delivery they headed for Leyte. At 00:14 hours on 30th July Indianapolis was struck by two torpedoes from a Japanese submarine, she sank in twelve minutes. Approximately three hundred men went down with the ship, the rest faced dehydration, starvation, exposure and shark attacks as they awaited rescue. USS Indianapolis If you've seen Jaws this story may sound familiar, Quint (Robert Shaw) describes the incident in detail ha...

USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage: Moustache Trailer Reaction

One of the most famous events of World War 2 is the bombing of Hiroshima. On the 6th August 1945 the "Little Boy" bomb was dropped from the Enola Gay and detonated 1,900 feet above the city. Nagasaki became the second target of an atomic strike on the 9th August 1945. Many believe President Truman's decision to use atomic weapons on the Japanese ultimately saved lives. The alternative was continued fire bombing of Japanese cities and the invasion of the Japanese mainland, these actions would have resulted in heavy casualties on both sides and it's possible the war would have continued a lot longer than it did. USS Indianapolis But there's a part to this story that's not so well known. Which is strange because it's considered the worst disaster in US Naval history. If you've seen the movie Jaws you would have heard about it. The USS Indianapolis, a heavy cruiser with a crew of 1,196 men (I got this number from, left...