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Showing posts with the label Lily James

Darkest Hour | Average Guy Movie Review

Gary Oldman brings one of Britain's most celebrated figures to life in Darkest Hour. Directed by Joe Wright (Atonement) and written by Anthony McCarten (The Theory of Everything), it tells the story of Winston Churchill's first four weeks as Prime Minister. At a time when we stood alone and on the brink of disaster, he would have to deal with the loss of France to the German blitzkrieg, the Dunkirk evacuation, a lack of support from those in his own party as well as King George VI (Ben Mendelsohn) and pressure to reach a peace agreement with Hitler.  The man really was thrown in at the deep end!   Gary Oldman spent a year studying Churchill and his mannerisms, in order to bring the man to life. Over that same year, he worked with special make-up effects artist, Kazuhiro Tsuji (Looper, Hellboy, The Grinch) to develop the incredible make-up and prosthetics that would transform him into the legendary PM.  The prosthetics used to fatten him up weighed half Oldman's b...

Darkest Hour | Moustache Trailer Reaction

The first trailer for Gary Oldman's "Darkest Hour" has arrived. After Brian Cox portrayed Winston Churchill during the build up to D-Day earlier this year, Oldman is now playing the war time leader at the point in which he became Prime Minister. A time when he faced defeat in Europe as well as a German invasion, lack of support from his own party and an unprepared public. If Cox's 'Churchill' was about the man behind the public persona, 'Darkest Hour' looks to be more about the leader as seen by the public. Gary Oldman seems to have slipped into the shoes of the man that led this nation to victory very well. Even in the trailer Oldman's performance is very powerful , throughout the trailer we get to see him deliver some of his famous speeches in rousing fashion. The scene where he screams at Stephen Dillane's 'Viscount Halifax' for interrupting him is almost enough to make the viewer stand to attention! It really is...

Baby Driver | Average Guy Movie Review

Edgar Wright puts his own spin on the heist/getaway movie in his latest outing. Named after the song by Simon and Garfunkel, Baby Driver tells the story of a skilled getaway driver who suffers from tinnitus, to drown out this "hum in the drum", Baby (Ansel Elgort) is constantly listening to music. In fact, the whole movie is set to music, even the gunshots sync with the beat of whatever song is playing. It took Wright 16 years to write this script, and then another 6 to bring it to the big screen. But it's a movie that's well worth the wait! The opening chase alone is incredibly fun to watch, yet intelligent and tense as well. I wouldn't blame someone for thinking there's nothing new to do with a car chase, but I'd definitely encourage them to watch Baby Driver before they make up their mind. Especially considering all of the driving was done practically, no CGI or green screen here. Elgort was allowed to do some of the driving and what he cou...