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Showing posts with the label Epic Voice Guy

The first Ghostbusters Trailer has arrived

This week the first trailer for Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot arrived and reactions have been mixed.  Granted this is only the first trailer and the movie's release date isn't until July which leaves plenty of time to release more trailers but it's not a great start. We already know that this movie is a reboot not a sequel yet the trailer begins by reminding us what happened in the first movie. In fact there are several references to the original throughout the trailer. It's a nice tribute to a classic but confusing for those viewing the trailer who know nothing about the movie. For fans of the original it might be annoying to find out it's not a sequel after being led to believe it is. Now the first trailer is supposed to be a teaser! You're meant to see little snippets of the movie which will generate interest in the movie. But this trailer gives away pretty much an entire scene where Melissa McCarthy is possessed by a ghost and attacks Kate ...