The second trailer for Dark Phoenix - the latest movie in the X-Men franchise, and the last under 20th Century Fox - has landed. And if you're keen to avoid spoilers, stop reading now! More importantly, don't watch the trailer because the spoiler contained within is massive. As both a movie fan and a blogger, I usually enjoy watching trailers. I like to get an idea of what I'm in for, but despite how awesome Dark Phoenix looks because of this trailer, I genuinely regret watching it, and it's all thanks to the aforementioned spoiler. It's 1992, after the events of Apocalypse the X-Men are heroes. During a rescue mission in space the team are hit by what the director Simon Kinberg describes as a "cosmic force", causing Jean (Sophie Turner) to lose control of her powers, unleashing the Phoenix. This chain of events will tear the team apart over how to stop both Jean and the Phoenix. Could this be the end for the X-Men? Well the answer to th...