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Lee | Average Guy Movie Review

After a successful career as a model, Lee Miller (Kate Winslet) began working behind the camera. During World War 2 she covered life in wartime London and the Blitz for Vogue magazine, before becoming one of the first female war correspondents. She covered the invasion of Europe through France, including the liberation of Paris, and went on to document the Nazi atrocities of the Holocaust. The idea of Kate Winslet portraying a historical figure like Lee Miller is - on the face of it - rather attractive. And unsurprisingly, the veteran actor delivers, with a great performance that portrays both Miller's courage and skill, as well as her vulnerabilities. At the very least the movie gives you a sense of how she was able to be such a trailblazer, and why after the war she struggled so. O ther than that, Lee  falls - disappointingly - into pretty standard biopic territory. Miller's life was certainly interesting, and the movie does reflect that. The problem is it only ever feels lik...