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Showing posts with the label Will Arnett

The LEGO Batman Movie: Average Guy Movie Review

After appearing in 2014's The LEGO Movie as a supporting character, Will Arnett's Batman takes centre stage in The LEGO Batman Movie. With Batman continually refusing help from everyone, insisting he only works alone and needs no-one, those around him begin to feel unappreciated...including the Joker! As a result, the new commissioner considers a Gotham without Batman, and Joker (Zach Galifianakis) goes to new levels to prove himself Batman's greatest enemy. Much like its predecessor, The LEGO Batman Movie is incredible to watch. The animation is stunning from start to finish. Everything in this Lego world looks buildable, Chris McKay and his team have definitely earned the title of 'Master Builders'. And this world is full of hilarious references to Batman and the extended DC universe. Many of them are hidden within the vast and impressive caverns of the Batcave, including every Batmobile the Dark Knight has ever driven. There's a brilliant tribute to p...