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Showing posts with the label Tilda Swinton

Doctor Strange: Average Guy Movie Review

They say that some roles are written for specific actors, you it's fate or destiny that such and such fits this role perfectly. Well I'm starting to think Benedict Cumberbatch is the example that doesn't necessarily disprove this theory, but declares it utter bullshit instead! Cumberbatch knocked it out of the park as Sherlock, he literally kicked arse as Khan (or John Harrison depending on your point of view) and now he is mystical, maybe even spellbinding as Marvel's Doctor Stephen Strange. Strange is a brilliant yet arrogant neurosurgeon until a horrific car crash severely damages his hands and robs him of his ability to do what he loves. After exhausting every possibility modern medicine can provide he looks to more mystical solutions, which leads him to The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) who shows him there's more to this world than he ever thought possible. With the help of Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Wong (Benedict Wong), The Ancient On...