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Showing posts with the label Captain America

Brave New Look | Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross Loses the Moustache

As you're probably aware, the teaser for Captain America: Brave New World has landed. Marvel 's latest tantalising snippet got over a million views on YouTube  in less than an hour, unsurprisingly. And there is a lot to take away from the sub-two minute video. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross (Harrison Ford) is now the President of the United States. Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) is still fighting the good fight, with Joaquin Torres (Danny Ramirez) by his side. Torres may even take on the title of 'Falcon' - given that two winged warriors can briefly be seen. Isaiah Bradley (Carl Lumbly) also returns, and it seems the troubled super soldier has been brainwashed into going after the President. I wonder who could have done that. The prime suspect isn't exactly seen - beyond silhouette, anyway - although what is likely to be his creepy little lab certainly is, and he can be heard sharing a snippet of his philosophy.  The question is; what does all this have to do with...

Avengers Endgame | Moustache Trailer Reaction

The trailer for Avengers: Endgame has finally arrived. No doubt you've already seen it, but if not you can check it out below. Well, it seems things are looking even bleaker than they did at the end of Infinity War. Tony is stranded in space, onboard what appears to be the Milano. There is a glimpse of Nebula at one point. The question is; what caused the ship to be so badly damaged? Was it the battle with Thanos on Titan? Or has something happened in the interim? Whatever it was, it seems Tony has finally come across a piece of technology even he can't fix, and is pretty much at breaking point.  The rest of the team are still on Earth, reeling from the moment in which Thanos snapped his finger and half the population of the galaxy disappeared. But at least Steve managed to find a moment to shave his beard. He and Romanoff have some sort of plan in mind, enough for Steve to break out the stealth suit from Captain America: The Winter Soldier and his lucky compass, ...

The Final Civil War Trailer

Apologies for the late response but between work and the arrival of Tom Clancy's The Division I need sleep! Now, before I get started, don't talk to Epic Voice Guy - Jon Bailey - about this trailer. But do check out his YouTube chanel and the video he made in response to the final Civil War trailer because he raises some valid points. So we've got just over a month until Captain America: Civil War is released and we finally get to see the man everyone has been waiting to see...Spider-Man. But before we get into that, what else do we see? It's more of a story trailer, there's definitley a lot of action, but we learn more about what's going on. Thaddeus Ross (William Hurt) is back, as Secretary of State he's now gunning for all of the Avengers rather than just Hulk. Using the Sokovian Accords, the Battle of New York and the infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. by Hydra to try and exercise control over the Avengers. This will obviously result in dividing...

The Death of an Avenger

One of the many rumours surrounding Captain America: Civil War is that an Avenger will die. Obviously the major question is who? But I have two follow up questions; why and why now? You could argue that given all the battles that the Avengers have fought, it's unrealistic for the team to not suffer casualties, especially when you consider that some members are mere mortals. But before now Marvel have gone out of their way to make death irrelevant. Both Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes survive their icy ends in The First Avenger, granted they were subjects of similar experimentation to make them superhuman. Phil Coulson was killed by Loki in The Avengers and resurrected for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Iron Man survived his trip through the portal created by the Tesseract despite his suit losing power and his fall back to Earth (thanks to the Hulk). Loki faked his death in Thor: The Dark World, the predictability of which was demonstrated by the HISHE team in How Thor: The Dark World...