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Showing posts with the label Teresa Palmer

Hacksaw Ridge: Average Guy Movie Review

Mel Gibson is back in the driver seat with Hacksaw Ridge . The movie tells the story of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield), a conscientious objector who wanted to serve but refused to carry a weapon. Doss served as an army medic in the Pacific during World War 2. His actions during the Battle of Okinawa - where it's estimated he saved 75 men single-handed - would earn him the Medal of Honor. If you've seen We Were Soldiers ; then Hacksaw Ridge may look oddly familiar. Gibson has clearly taken inspiration from his previous war movie, with the two sharing a very similar look - certainly in the battle scenes. Much like Randall Wallace did with We Were Soldiers , Gibson has managed to show the horrors of such a battle in a way that is respectful of all that those men did, and the camaraderie  they shared, without ever glamorising war. To that end, as much as this is Doss' story, the actions of his fellow soldiers are not overlooked, thanks in part to some brilliant performan...