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Showing posts with the label Anthony Maras

Hotel Mumbai | Average Guy Movie Review

During the Mumbai attacks of 2008 Islamic extremists laid siege to the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. With the police unable to deal with the situation, and awaiting a military response from New Delhi, the staff and guests had to do whatever they could to survive. Anthony Maras' feature debut doesn't shy away from the brutal horror of a situation like this, nor should it. Over a three day period more than 170 people were killed. It's impossible to tell a story like this and not show what the victims went through in horrifying detail. Which at times can make Hotel Mumbai a difficult watch. But at the same time, it is a reminder that the worst in us of often brings out the best in us. Something that is certainly true of the staff of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, who risked everything to keep their guests safe. This is the story that the director wanted to tell. To do so, you need a tremendous cast of actors, and that's exactly what Maras and his team delivers....