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Showing posts with the label Lizzy Caplan

Scraping the Barrel: What didn't make it into the Advent Calendar of Christmas Movies?

In order to put together our Advent Calendar of Christmas Movies I have watched many movies from several decades. I have made lists, debated over said lists  (that's a nice word for argued right?) , made new lists and argued...I mean debated some more. The point is, it wasn't an easy task whittling down the list to the final 25 - well 27 but who's counting? In order to do it I've had to watch some challenging movies, and by challenging I don't mean intellectually. It's a miracle I made it through some of them. Two such gems of varying quality are 'The Night Before' and 'A Merry Christmas Miracle' A.K.A. 'A Merry Friggin' Christmas'. The Night Before reunites the team that brought us 50/50. In December 2001, Ethan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) lost his parents in a car accident. Every Christmas Eve since then his friends Isaac (Seth Rogen) and Chris (Anthony Mackie) have taken him out partying so he's not alone on Christmas. But ...

Now You See Me 2: Average Guy Movie Review

Back in July 2013, I was on a ferry coming home from a holiday in Europe, the journey would last all night and I was on my own. After boarding I was relieved to find there was a cinema on board, that night's viewing was Now You See Me. I have to admit I was less than excited about this movie but with nothing better to do I thought: why not? As it turned out, Now You See Me was ridiculous, but it was light-hearted, ridiculous fun that I actually quite enjoyed. Skip ahead to present day and Now You See Me 2 has arrived, but has it captured the magic of the first movie? Set a year later, the Horsemen are in hiding and are getting restless. When their next performance goes wrong, the Horsemen find themselves in Macau, where they are forced to work for the mysterious Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe). What does he want and what are his true motives for exposing them? In order to avoid the authorities and expose Mabry, the Horsemen have to pull off one more grand performance. ...