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Showing posts with the label Catherine McCormack

Spy Game | Average Guy Movie Review | Movierob's Genre Grandeur

For this month's Genre Grandeur on Spy/Espionage movies I have chosen Spy Game. Directed by Tony Scott and starring Robert Redford and Brad Pitt, this is a gritty, more realistic spy movie. It's the polar opposite of a James Bond movie. There's no glamour, no gadgets and the type of locations that would make Jason Bourne think twice!  It's 1991, the US and China are working on a trade deal and CIA Agent Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt) has just been caught trying to break someone out of a Chinese Prison. The US Government has just 24 hours to claim him before he is executed. In order to get a handle on the situation, CIA executives bring in Nathan Muir (Robert Redford), Bishop's former boss and mentor to provide deep background on him. But Muir soon realises that the executives are looking for a pretext to justify leaving Bishop to the Chinese. Now he must he call in every asset he has and every favour he's owed in order to save Bishop's life. After a ten...