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Showing posts with the label Paul Rudd

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire | Average Guy Movie Review

The new generation - or should that be family? - of Ghostbusters have brought the infamous paranormal investigations and eliminations firm back to the Big Apple, and it's not long before they receive a less than warm welcome from the city's new mayor. Whilst dealing with those interferences, the Ghostbusters both old and new must investigate a strange artifact that hasn't been seen since a chilling incident in 1904. After finally seeing ECTO-1 put through its paces in Ghostbusters: Afterlife , it's great to see the classic car racing through the streets of its home city - especially when it's chasing ghosts! That sense of nostalgia is something Gil Kenan and Jason Reitman got right with Frozen Empire . It's a good balance of nostalgia, comedy and spookiness, wrapped up in an all new adventure.  Despite the chilling nature of the story,  Frozen Empire  nicely sits somewhere between the movies and  The Real Ghostbusters . There are several nice call-backs to the c...

GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE | Moustache Teaser Reaction

If I didn't know any better I'd say Jason Reitman and Gil Kenan have been working on a sequel to The Day After Tomorrow . Thankfully however, it's a follow up to their 2021 hit Ghostbusters: Afterlife . One that sees the OG Ghostbusters back in New York, along with the Spengler family and the rest of the new team, where they are once again called upon to save the world. If you haven't seen it or you simply want to watch it again, check out the teaser for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire  below. Naturally this little glimpse is only supposed to whet our collective appetite, but Frozen Empire  already looks fantastic!  Once again Reitman and Kenan appear to have nailed that perfect blend of creepy and fun that Ivan Reitman and co. coined with the first two movies.  It's good to see that all of the Ghostbusters will be facing - what appears to be - an  entirely new threat. I'm pretty certain that Ray, Pete, Winston and Egon never faced off against anything quite so tall...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem | Moustache Teaser Reaction

We've got our first glimpse at Seth Rogen's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem , and it is quite something. Haven't seen the teaser trailer? Want to watch it again? You can check it out below. The first thing that strikes you when watching this teaser - after the striking animation, that is - is that these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles actually act and sound like real teenagers. It certainly helps that they're being voiced by actual teenagers. The banter between them is perfect! In this mere glimpse of what is to come, we're seeing teenagers being teenagers; causing chaos in the search for fun and entertainment. Granted they're also humanoid mutant turtles, but I guess that means teenagers are pretty much the same in every species. Parents will undoubtedly be pointing to the central scene depicted here when explaining to their children why they can't be trusted with anything sharp! Despite the fact that the movie centres around one of this planet...

Ghostbusters: Afterlife | Average Guy Movie Review

A woman moves her family to a small town in Oklahoma to settle her estranged father's affairs. Whilst there, the kids learn who their grandfather was, about his work as a Ghostbuster. And with all the strange occurrences going on in this small town, it soon becomes clear why he left New York. Ivan Reitman, director of Ghostbusters  and Ghostbusters II  has officially passed the torch to his son Jason Reitman. A successful director himself, Jason was the moody kid that once told Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) "my dad says you guys are full of crap". It would appear that he has had a change of heart, because not only has he brought the original timeline/universe into the 21st century, he has opened up the franchise to a whole new generation of fans. Something he credits Paul Feig for making possible.  Afterlife  is everything you'd expect a Ghostbusters  movie to be, wrapped up in this touching family drama. Much like with the directors, this is about passing the t...

Ghostbusters: Afterlife | Moustache Trailer Reaction

We have another trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife . Much like those that came before it, the "International" trailer hints at all the delightful chaos that's coming to the town of Summerville, Oklahoma, as the responsibility of protecting our world from the paranormal is passed to a new generation of Ghostbusters. Check out the trailer below. In the previous trailers the focus has very much been on the mystery and the fun. But with this new trailer we get hints at the horror side of the story. Ghostbusters  is well known for being a mix of sci-fi, horror and comedy, and Afterlife  looks to be no different. The trailer opens with a truck racing through the night, before crashing into a crop field. At first the driver appears to be running from an unseen pursuer. But given that said driver has a certain piece of specialist equipment in their possession, it seems that they're more likely luring someone or something back to their home. The likelihood is this is Egon car...

Avengers: Endgame | Average Guy Movie review

After Thanos (Josh Brolin) successfully wiped out half of all life in the universe, the Avengers - those that remain anyway - are left to pick up the pieces. Each of them must try to deal with what happened in their own way. But when a chance at undoing "the decimation" presents itself, Earth's mightiest heroes must stand together one last time..."whatever it takes." Infinity War may have been a trip through the emotional ringer, but Endgame is more like a rollercoaster ride through it...backwards. This is like nothing we have ever seen in the MCU before, and at the same time feels very familiar. It's safe to say that the stakes have never been higher, the same can also be said of the cost. The MCU has been criticised in the past for it's portrayal of death, and the interesting work-arounds our heroes have used to cheat it. But this time - as promised by the Russos - the price of resurrection is very high, and it's one the Avengers must be...

Ant-Man and the Wasp | Average Guy Movie Review

After the events of Captain America: Civil War , Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is under house arrest. Because of his actions - and their association with him - Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) have been in hiding ever since. Their research into the Quantum Realm however, has drawn the attention of a few unsavoury characters, including the mysterious "Ghost" (Hannah John-Kamen) and Sonny Burch (Walton Goggins) - a dealer in black market tech. So when a chance to save Hope's mother - Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer) - presents itself, Hank and Hope will need Scott's help if they're to have any chance of success. Set just before Avengers: Infinity War , Ant-Man and the Wasp sees Lang return to his small corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whereas Ant-Man was a heist movie, director Peyton Reed has described this as part action movie, part romantic comedy, inspired by movies like Midnight Run . Much like its predecessor, Ant-Man and the...

Sausage Party: Average Guy Movie Review

The supermarket becomes a parody for real life in what could be Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's most extreme and yet intelligent movie to date. Sausage Party is laugh out loud funny throughout, but with the comedy comes a sort of over head view of the world we live in, as well as all of the swearing drug, alcohol and sex references we've come to expect of a Seth Rogen movie. The movie could be just as controversial as Rogen and Goldberg's The Interview, but where that was a very stupid story that depicted a current, real, live dictator and his (fictional) assassination, Sausage party takes the South Park approach...everyone and everything is fair game! Sausage Party is set during the days leading up to the July 4th celebrations, hot dogs Frank (Rogen), Barry (Michael Cera) and Carl (Jonah Hill) as well as Franks' girlfriend, a hot dog bun named Brenda Bunson (Kristen Wiig) are all looking forward to being purchased so they can travel to the "Great Beyond...

Captain America: Civil War: Average Guy Movie Review

 The Russo Brothers have kicked off Phase 3 of the MCU with Captain America: Civil War. In his third solo outing, the man out of time must watch his team and his friends  get torn apart at a time when his new life collides with the old one. After a mission goes bad, the Avengers are faced with the Sokovia Accords, a document that'll put them under the control of the UN. This decision pits the team against each other, with half wanting to keep their independence and the other half wanting to keep the team together and on the right side of the law. The biggest rivalry somes in the form of Steve vs Tony. Steve fears the "agendas" and corruption of politicians and wants the Avengers to remain independent; "the safest hands are still our own". Whereas Tony is still dealing with the guilt of the Ultron incident and is possibly still carrying the effects of Scarlett Witch's fear inducing vision, and therefore believes the Avengers should be held acco...