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Showing posts with the label A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born | Average Guy Movie Review

When Country Singer Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) meets Ally (Lady Gaga), a talented singer performing in a bar, he is instantly captivated. A romance between the two quickly grows and Jackson encourages Ally to sing with him at gigs. But as her star rises, his begins to fade and as it does, his struggles with addiction only worsen. Bradley Cooper's directorial debut is nothing short of a triumph. The word "masterpiece" gets thrown around a lot these days, But A Star Is Born truly fits that bill. This is a love story. But more than that, it's a beautifully candid and respectful look at addiction, and how it affects those relationships we hold most dear. Cooper never shy's away from the ugliness of the disease, which makes for a very moving and authentic viewing experience. But it's thanks to some outstanding performances by the two leads that addiction's destructive effect is really felt. Cooper and Gaga are perfect together, both o...